Friday, September 28, 2012

perseverance: the trait of real winners

Today didn't start out so great..... I've been working all week on my latest ebook(finally finishing it yesterday) and I've been working on getting the marketing side of this book ready for promotion. Simply, its been a lot of work..... sometimes I don't know how I can spend another moment in front of the computer screen....honestly.... I don't think my eyes can take any more of it! Not to mention the fact that I sold an item on Ebay yesterday for less than I was expecting and I thought I was going to lose money on it.

But non the less, I'm still going forward.... I read recently that billionaires and the people that are on their way to becoming one, always choose to give 15 minutes more thought to their problems than the average person.

That's what I'm trying to do.... so far, it seems to be working:) Today even though I'm a little tired I have two ebooks that are done and on a free promotion this weekend.

As for Ebay.... I decided to try something new. It paid off... I had never payed online for shipping before and now I'm not sure I'll ever step foot into a USPS again....:) It cost me less than I thought so now I'm still making money....

I scheduled a free carrier pick up and I don't even have to go to the post office myself and worry about getting there before they close early(on saturday). And how long did this bonus take?

15 extra minutes.....

maybe there is something to this trick.....

Now this weekend I'll just sit back and relax and let my hard work pay off for me....

As Robert Kiyosaki says, "it's not about working harder, it's about working smarter."

have a great weekend!

And remember, don't give up just yet.... your biggest breakthrough may only be about 15 minutes away...

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