Thursday, February 14, 2013

E-publishing and Ganxy

Hey everyone,

this week I have some exciting news to share. I have been keeping busy trying out new stuff online and working hard at my part time job. However, just yesterday I came to a breakthrough by doing something that has now become a positive habit: surfing the web for answers.

I know, it sounds pretty simple. But honestly, I think we often overlook the resources that are right in front of us. In the world we live in today, all the answers and more are usually right at our fingertips (or at the allowance of our keyboard and Google.)

One of my epublishing mentors (and a role model) is Ryan Deiss, an e-publisher and major internet marketer. Since I'm on his email list and so forth, I was reading one of his blog post's this week and came across something pretty profound. The post was titled 4 reasons you should sell your ebook directly via Ganxy 

After reading the post, I decided to give it a whirl. Just as said, I had everything up and running in less than 24 hours! In a nutshell, if you are at all familiar with the world of E-Publishing, Ganxy is pretty easy to understand. In essence, it works the same as Amazon and other big retailers but with better profits and bigger branding benefits as you can embed the info on websites and such (like below).

I would encourage anyone with an ebook out to go visit Well, that's all the exciting news this week....

"Homeschooling: The Bigger Picture" by TheProGrad on Ganxy


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